Edge Impulse firmware for Espressif ESP32

Edge Impulse enables developers to create the next generation of intelligent device solutions with embedded Machine Learning. This repository contains the Edge Impulse firmware for the Espressif ESP32 based development boards, specifically ESP-EYE (ESP32) and FireBeetle Board (ESP32). These devicee supports Edge Impulse device features, including ingestion and inferencing.

Note: Do you just want to use this development board with Edge Impulse? No need to build this firmware. See the instructions here for a prebuilt firmware and instructions. Or, you can use the data forwarder to capture data from any sensor.



  • Espressif ESP32 based development boards, preferably ESP-EYE (ESP32) and FireBeetle Board (ESP32). Using with other boards is possible, but code modifications is needed. For more on that read Using with other ESP32 boards.


Install ESP IDF v4.4, following the instructions for your OS from this page.

You'll need three additional components to compile this firmware:

  • esp-camera
  • ESP-NN

Get them by cloning the corresponding repositories to components folder in the root folder of the project:

cd components
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/AIWintermuteAI/esp32-camera.git esp32-camera/
cd esp32-camera && git checkout 089d998a2c9a4fc21ca06513885e64cdefa4e177 && cd ..
git clone https://github.com/AIWintermuteAI/LIS3DHTR_ESP-IDF.git LIS3DHTR_ESP-IDF/
cd LIS3DHTR_ESP-IDF && git checkout 641bda8c3e4b706a2365fe87dd4d925f96ea3f8c && cd ..
git clone https://github.com/espressif/esp-nn.git esp-nn/
cd esp-nn && git checkout 24d18025f300c1e15afa2abb86519da54c7a5d90 && cd ..
cd ..

Building the application

Then from the firmware folder execute:

clear && idf.py build 

get_idf is an alias for export.sh script that sets up ESP IDF environment variables. Read more about it here.


Connect the ESP32 board to your computer.


idf.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash monitor

Where /dev/ttyUSB0 needs to be changed to actual port where ESP32 is connected on your system.

Serial connection

Use screen, minicom or Serial monitor in Arduino IDE to set up a serial connection over USB. The following UART settings are used: 115200 baud, 8N1.

Using with other ESP32 boards

ESP32 is a very popular chip both in a community projects and in industry, due to its high performance, low price and large amount of documentation/support available. There are other camera enabled development boards based on ESP32, which can use Edge Impulse firmware after applying certain changes, e.g.

  • AI-Thinker ESP-CAM
  • M5STACK ESP32 PSRAM Timer Camera X (OV3660)
  • M5STACK ESP32 Camera Module Development Board (OV2640)

The pins used for camera connection on different development boards are not the same, therefore you will need to change the #define here to fit your development board, compile and flash the firmware. Specifically for AI-Thinker ESP-CAM, since this board needs an external USB to TTL Serial Cable to upload the code/communicate with the board, the data transfer baud rate must be changed to 115200 here.

The analog sensor and LIS3DH accelerometer can be used on any other development board without changes, as long as the interface pins are not changed. If I2C/ADC pins that accelerometer/analog sensor are connected to are different, from described in Sensors available section, you will need to change the values in LIS3DHTR component for ESP32, compile and flash it to your board.

Additionally, since Edge Impulse firmware is open-source and available to public, if you have made modifications/added new sensors capabilities, we encourage you to make a PR in firmware repository!