
Power delivery adapter for the Fujitsu fi-65F scanner

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


When traveling to Sweden, I forgot the power adapter of the my little Fujtsu fi-65F scanner in Berlin. So I created a replacement power adapter that can be supplied with USB Power Delivery.

This power adapter can easily be adjusted for other devices.

Photo of the assembled adapter


  • EVAL-SCS001V1: Board breaking out the STUSB4500 USB PD controller

    It needs to be programmed to output 9V, for example using the STSW-STUSB002 GUI.

  • DollaTek LM2596: Board breaking out the LM2596 buck converter

  • Tensility International Corp’s CA-2195: Cable with barrel plug (1.7 mm ID, 4.75 mm OD, 9.5 mm depth)

    Polarity: ⊖⎯⎯⎯(⋅⎯⎯⎯⊕

  • 4 M2×6 screws (DIN 912) and M2 hex nuts (DIN 934)


The enclosure has been designed with Rhino 3D and exported to STL. With the top and bottom surfaces facing the bed, no support is needed when FDM printing.

Screenshot of rendered enclosure


Annotated photo describing wiring


Except where noted otherwise, files are licensed under the WTFPL.

Copyright © 2022 Felix E. Klee

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.