
The Reality Builder allows anyone on the web to direct the construction of a physical structure.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Reality Builder allows anyone on the web to direct the construction of a physical structure. It is a web application that shows a webcam image of a construction. Overlaid on that image is a virtual building block that the user may position: augmented reality. The construction team works with the application via a web-based administration interface.

Additional resources:

The currently version deployed on Google App Engine, as of March 2017, may be found in the sub directory deployed. Everything else in this repository is WIP and may be broken.


Visit: demo/index.html

Sample Application

Screen shot of sample application

Hosted on: www.realitybuilder.com (source)

A video of a previous version is available on YouTube.

Hosting the Reality Builder

Host it using Node.js, and - in production - don't forget to set the environment variable:


Embedding the Reality Builder in a web page

Example where the Reality Builder is hosted on example.com:

  1. Embed Socket.IO into you page. You may use the distribution which comes with the Reality Builder. Example:

    <script src="http://example.com/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
  2. Embed the Reality Builder:

    • Either as a standard JavaScript file:

      <script src="http://example.com/reality_builder.js"></script>
      <script src="http://example.com/reality_builder.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
            baseUrl: 'http://example.com',
            width: 640,
            height: 480
            // ...
      <div id="RealityBuilder"></div>
    • Or as an AMD module (no global variable is exposed):

          function (realityBuilder) {
              realityBuilder.init(/* see above */);

See the demo for more information. The demo uses AMD with RequireJS to load either the production or the development version of the Reality Builder.



Blocks must have the following shape: Right prism with a convex outline.

Blocks are solid, i.e. they never overlap.


The camera x-y position must be outside of the x-y area where blocks are to be built, and it must look down onto the blocks. All blocks, thus, are in front to the sensor.

This limitation on camera placement allows for simpler and speedier code.


Unit tests

Run unit tests from the shell with Nodeunit:

nodeunit tests

Creating a new build

To create a new build, i.e. to compile all JavaScript files into reality_builder.js, run from the shell:

node node_modules/requirejs/bin/r.js -o client.build.js

Camera data

Illustration of camera data

Perspective projection

Illustration of perspective projection


  • Types of blocks:

    • New block: The block that may be positioned by the user.

    • Construction block: A block permanently in the construction.

      Types of construction blocks:

      • Real block: Block that is actually built.

      • Deleted block: Block that was deleted.

      • Pending block: Block that is not yet made real.

      The new, user positionable block is not part of the construction.

    • Shadow obscuring block: Block that is used for graphically removing parts of the new block's shadow that are not actually visible.

  • Specifiers for coordinates (see also "perspective.xar"):

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "B", e.g. "xB", denote positions in the grid where blocks may be placed. The space comprised by those coordinates is called "block position space", or short: "block space"

      Units: none (multiples of distances between positions)

      Value: integer

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "BXY", denote block positions in the block space x-y plane.

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "V" denote coordinates in "view space", i.e. the space relative to the lens, approximated as a pinhole, of the camera:

      | \
      |  z

      Units: mm

      The origin of the view space is in the pinhole.

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "VXZ" denote coordinates in the view space x-z-plane. Points in this plane get mapped onto the horizontal line in the middle of the sensor: y = 0 Points are describe using x, z coordinate tuples.

      Units: mm

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "S" denote coordinates in "sensor space", i.e. coordinates of projected points. The origin of the sensor is in one of its corners.

      Units: px

    • The coordinate specifiers ending in "VXZS" denote coordinates in the horizontal line in sensor space that the view space x-z-plane is mapped to.

      Units: px

    • All other coordinates are in world space.

      Units: mm

      To get from block space to world space, multiply block space coordinates by factors in mm. The multiplication factors for "xB" and "yB" are identical. Otherwise a block that is rotated in a plane would deform. The multiplication factor for "zB", however, is independent. Example:

      • Multiplication factor x, y: 5mm

      • Multiplication factor z: 3mm

  • Point: Is specified as an array with two or three numbers: the coordinates. It is regarded as a vector, with its origin in the origin of the coordinate system.

  • Edge: Connects two vertices. Is specified as an array with two indices to a vertex array, and a third index whose value is the original index/name of the edge. The third value is important to identify edges in case they are reordered.

  • Line: straight line with infinite extends. Is specified as an array with two points that lie on it. If the points coincide, then the result of any function making use of the line is undefined.

  • Line segment: similar to a line but with finite extends, connecting the points by which it is defined.

  • Block: A block is described by an outline in the xy plane, in block space. Its height in block space is always: 1

Collision detection

All configurations when two blocks collide can be configured freely. This is done in block space.

At first it seems as if collision detection is better done in world space, and automatically, without any configuration. However, when blocks touch each other, then rounding errors can lead to unwanted results. Furthermore, collision detection, as described above, in block space is probably simpler and faster.


Every Reality Builder JavaScript file contains configuration instructions at the top for JSLint.


Before releasing a new version:

  • Make sure that there no FIXME tagged comments in the code. Instead, if necessary, corresponding issues should be created in the issue tracker.

  • Check that unit tests work.

  • Disable debug mode.

  • Check that the Reality Builder demo works fine with common browsers.

Do not forget:

  • Tag the version in the version control system.

  • When deploying to Google App Engine, supply the version on the command line:

    gcloud app deploy --version $VERSION


The version of a release is structured as follows: major.minor.bugfix

Example: 2.1.4


  • major (major release number): A major release is a release where the major release number has been increased. When that happens, then the minor release number and the bugfix release number are set to 0. The major release number is increased when - subjectively - there have been major changes as compared to the previous minor release.

  • minor (minor release number): A minor release is a release where the minor release number has been increased. When that happens, then the bugfix release number is set to 0. The minor release number is increased when the changes as compared to the previous minor release are not major and not a bugfix.

  • bugfix (bugfix release number): A bugfix release is a release where the bugfix release number has been increased. The bugfix release number is increased when a bug has been fixed in an already released version. In general, new features are only introduced with new minor or major releases, unless when absolutely necessary, and then these features are viewed as bugs.


  • In the datastore, blocks are allowed to occupy the same position, given that they have different rotation. This is enforced by giving the keys of the blocks the format: x, y, z, a. An example block outline that, when rotated about its center (by 180°) does not collide with the unrotated block:

    | \
  • Canvas seems to have automatic "double buffering", i.e. Gecko and WebKit browsers don't draw to screen while executing code.

    According to a mailing list post by Robert O'Callahan:

    I assume you have a setTimeout handler (or similar) which renders a complete frame before returning. If so, then in Gecko and I think also in Webkit the canvas will not be drawn to the screen while your script is running, only between frames. So I suspect your performance problem has some other cause.


  • Certain RPC calls require admin priveledges, namely those that are available only via the admin interface. This is necessary so that users cannot hack into the system and, for example, delete blocks.

  • States of blocks:

    • virtual: the new block which may be moved around has this state

    • pending: a block that has been requested to be build

    • real: a block that has been built

    • deleted: a block that has been removed or that is not planned to be build.

  • Polar coordinates are described by an array with two entries:

    1. angle: Angle measured counter clockwise against the positive x axis. Its value is between -PI and PI.

      |   /
      |  /
      | /\
      |/  |angle
    2. distance: Distance from the origin.

  • After a block has been built in place of a request, the formerly used new block becomes a movable/virtual new block again. In other words: Through an entire session, there is only one new block object which changes state, from from virtual to pending to virtual and so on.


Copyright 2010–2017 Felix E. Klee

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.