
Ruby interface to the id3lib C++ library for easily editing ID3 tags of MP3 audio files

Primary LanguageC++

= id3lib-ruby

id3lib-ruby provides a Ruby interface to the id3lib C++ library for easily
editing ID3 tags (v1 and v2) of MP3 audio files.

The class documentation starts at ID3Lib::Tag.

== Features

* Read and write ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
* Simple interface for adding, changing and removing frames
* Quick access to common text frames like title and performer
* Custom data frames like attached picture (APIC)
* Pretty complete coverage of id3lib's features
* UTF-16 support (warning: id3lib writes broken UTF-16 frames)
* Windows binary gem available

See TODO for planned features.

The CHANGES file contains a list of changes between versions.

== Installation


== Online Information

The home of id3lib-ruby is http://id3lib-ruby.rubyforge.org

== Usage

  require 'rubygems'
  require 'id3lib'
  # Load a tag from a file
  tag = ID3Lib::Tag.new('talk.mp3')
  # Get and set text frames with convenience methods
  tag.title  #=> "Talk"
  tag.album = 'X&Y'
  tag.track = '5/13'
  # Tag is a subclass of Array and each frame is a Hash
  #=> { :id => :TPE1, :textenc => 0, :text => "Coldplay" }
  # Get the number of frames
  tag.length  #=> 7
  # Remove all comment frames
  tag.delete_if{ |frame| frame[:id] == :COMM }
  # Get info about APIC frame to see which fields are allowed
  #=> [ 2, :APIC, "Attached picture",
  #=>   [:textenc, :mimetype, :picturetype, :description, :data] ]
  # Add an attached picture frame
  cover = {
    :id          => :APIC,
    :mimetype    => 'image/jpeg',
    :picturetype => 3,
    :description => 'A pretty picture',
    :textenc     => 0,
    :data        => File.read('cover.jpg')
  tag << cover
  # Last but not least, apply changes

== Licence

This library has Ruby's licence:


== Author

Robin Stocker <robinstocker at rubyforge.org>