
Instructions, using RStudio, for analysing game styles, ball movement patterns and in game events and the development of a Shiny application to visualise results to understand strategy in field hockey

Primary LanguageR


A performance analysis proceess was developed to provide practical insight into strategy in field hockey by capturing and analysing layers of information that allow a coach to develop, understand and communicate strategy. Data was captured from the 2019 Women's FIH Pro League (n = 74 matches). In game events and ball tracking data were captured to provide insight into how and where a team moves the ball to understand how individual teams are successful. In game events captured include game actions, stoppages, turnovers and goal shots in relation to time, space, opposition and match context. Ball tracking was captured by dividing a field into 40 cells and recording the start and end locations of each ball movement and the outcome of a play. The instructions, using R and RStudio, provided illustrate how in game events and ball movement data were analysed, providing layers of information from game style and ball movement profiles to highly detailed techno-tactical indicators. Illustrated examples, with output displayed, are also shared at these respective websites.

Game Styles: https://rpubs.com/felicitylord/game-styles

Ball Movement Patterns: https://rpubs.com/felicitylord/ball-movements

In Game Events: https://rpubs.com/felicitylord/in-game-events

Visualisatons were then produced, in RStudio, to effectively communicate the insight gained from the data analysis. A shiny application was developed to be able to share the results easily and effectively and allow users to enage with the results. The ui and server files are provided to illustrate the steps taken to create each visualisation and the design and layout of the app. The final app is able to be viewed at https://felicity4.shinyapps.io/Hockey101/ or by scanning the QR code below

QR code