
Prototype of a Gesture Engine for Fennec

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project is a prototype of a Gesture Engine for Fennec. The tracking bug is

This project will be used to track progress both in the implementation of the
core gesture engine plus of user-experience prototypes and experiments related
to the Gestures support and the definition of an API for these gestures.

The core at chrome/content/GestureModule.js will continue to be converted as a
patch to be posted to the bug, but the good thing about this extension is that
it makes packaging everything (the core, the user-experience and the demonstra-
tions) more easily. Soon this will be posted to AMO so that Fennec alpha testers
can test and give opinions on the project.

Instructions on how to clone this GIT to test the extension on HOW-TO-USE.txt


Author contact info:
Felipe Gomes
felipc {} gmail.com
nick: felipc on irc.mozilla.org, #extdev #mobile #ubiquity