
The smart way of requiring multiple files in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Require Smart

Build Status Dependency Status

The smart way of organizing your app's files and folders, by requiring recursivelly and automagicly parsing file names as their scope key.


$ npm install require-smart


This library was created for three main reasons:

  1. Avoid requiring an obvious object tree within each file
  2. Encourage files with minimum number of business logic
  3. Allow filenames to be more clear on what they do


const RequireSmart = require('require-smart')

const myModules = RequireSmart('./myModulesFolder')

You might have this folder structure:

├─ users.js
├─ users.login.js
├─ users.create.js
├─ users.delete.js
├─ users.update.js
├─ queue.opts.default.js
└─ some_other.arbitrary-name.thing.js

Or maybe this folder structure:

├─┬ users/
│ ├─ index.js
│ ├─ login.js
│ ├─ create.js
│ ├─ delete.js
│ └─ update.js
├─┬ queue/
│ └─ opts.default.js
└─┬ some_other/
  └─┬ arbitrary-name/
    └─ thing.js

Or even an merged style:

├─┬ users/
│ ├─ index.js
│ ├─ login.js
│ ├─ create.js
│ ├─ delete.js
│ └─ update.js
├─ queue.opts.default.js
└─┬ some_other.arbitrary-name/
  └─ thing.js

You will get an object required like this:

  users: {
    ... require('./users/index'), [ Gets Merged ]
    login: require('./users/login'),
    create: require('./users/create'),
    delete: require('./users/delete'),
    update: require('./users/update')

  queue: {
    opts: {
      default: require('./queue.opts/default')

  someOther: {
    arbitraryName: require('./some_other.arbitrary-name/thing')


You can customize the way RequireSmart loads your dependencies.

  • depth: [Default: true]

    If set to false, will not load folders recursivelly. If set to a Number, Will load until that depth. Set to true for infinite recursion on require

  • canMerge: [Default: true]

    If set to false, will throw exception if a object merge is needed

  • indexNames: [Default: ['index']]

    Set the array of name without extensions of 'file indexes' (usually index only)

  • extensions: [Defaults: ['.js', '.json']]

    Sets the valid extensions to be required

  • fileNameSeparator: [Defaults: .]

    What token to use as separator of file names.

  • uppercaseTokens: [Defaults: /[_\s-]]\w/g]

    A regex that maches the separation, and the first character of the next word

Know what is happening

If you desire to view what are the steps to be performed during the require, you can use the method view:

RequireSmart.view(__dirname + '/myModulesPath')

It will print out for each one of the files, the destination hash on the object, and also if it will get merged or set. npm install chalk to view output with colors.

view command


Use this library as close to the top of your application. This is something really usefull for loading controllers, helpers, models, modules, wales and cats. However, you should use this with care.

If you are building a Library or maybe something that the user (and not you) might have controll, be aware of the power you might be giving him. Think about security. Again.


Ivan Seidel