This challenge consists in three parts.
- PART 1 - Purest Way
- PART 2 - Architecture and Libraries
- PART 3 - Advanced ( EXTRA )
Please, create a branch for each part.
No reuse or copying of existing codes is allowed. Please create a new repository and start the project from scratch.
In this first step, you need to create a new app WITHOUT any library, with pure Android.
- Rest API consume and persistence with local database.
- Local Unit Test and Remote Unit Test ( Instrumental / UI ). Obs: Espresso lib is allowed in this case.
- Apply the best architecture that fits in this project.
- Replace everithing you believe that works better with libraries.
Android Jetpack
- Foundation
- Architecture *
- Behavior
- UI Obs: Use at least one component of Architecture Components.
- Implement a player that plays any video streaming with DASH extension.
- Apply Lint, Sonar and Test Coverage.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
- Use any CI and CD with a delivery flow.
Create a fork from the repository on your GitHub.
Push the code developed in your Github.
Create a file called explaining:
- Explain architecture chosen.
- List of used libraries.
- What would you improve if you had more time?
- List of delivered,not delivered and why.
Inform the recruiter replying the e-mail when you've completed the challenge along with the repository link.