
Custom Gorm(v2) Logger

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

cgLogger is a package that helps the customization of the default gorm (v2) logger.

This allows the user to implement a function to be executed given a condition.

The main recommendation is to use this functions to log the data differently.

Ex: sentry / file

The conditions are:

Error: ErrorTrigger(func)

Sql Take more than x Seconds:  SlowTrigger(func, x)

Always: AlwaysTrigger(func)

The function that those methods receive have the following signature:

func(g GormInfos)

// GormInfos are the data passed to the custom functions
type GormInfos struct {
    Location      string
    AffectedRows  int64
    QueryDuration float64
    Sql           string
    Err           error

Is not recommended changing this functions during the execution of a program. That said if you need to change it you should change the logger itself.

To implement that the functions LogMode() and FixTriggers() will return a gorm logger interface. That said the methods xTrigger() won't be available.

(OBS: I decided to keep this in that way so by "default" the user will lock the use of the triggers functions, and if he is aware of the risk he can keep those)

Example of use with sentry:

// Initialize the DB with the custom logger
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(settings), &gorm.Config{
	Logger:            Default.ErrorsTrigger(dbError).AlwaysTrigger(dbBreadCrumb).LogMode(loggerLogMode),
	AllowGlobalUpdate: false,

func dbBreadCrumb(g GormInfos) {
    lvl := sentry.LevelDebug

    if g.Err != nil {
    	lvl = sentry.LevelError

		Category:  "SQL",
		Level:     lvl,
		Message:   g.Location,
		Timestamp: time.Now(),
		Data: map[string]interface{}{
			"sql": g.Sql, "affected_rows": g.AffectedRows, "duration_ms": g.QueryDuration,
		    Type: "Teste do type",

func dbError(g GormInfos) {