Welcome to Remix!

Vercel Setup

First you'll need the Vercel CLI:

npm i -g vercel

Before you can run the app in development, you need to link this project to a new Vercel project on your account.

It is important that you use a new project. If you try to link this project to an existing project (like a Next.js site) you will have problems.

$ vercel link

Follow the prompts, and when it's done you should be able to get started.


You will be running two processes during development when using Vercel as your server.

  • Your Vercel server in one
  • The Remix development server in another
# in one tab
$ vercel dev

# in another
$ npm run dev

Open up http://localhost:3000 and you should be ready to go!

If you'd rather run everything in a single tab, you can look at concurrently or similar tools to run both processes in one tab.


$ npm run build
# preview deployment
$ vercel

# production deployment
$ vercel --prod

GitHub Automatic Deployments

For some reason the GitHub integration doesn't deploy the public folder. We're working with Vercel to figure this out.

For now, you can set up a GitHub action with this config from our friend @mcansh.