
Bulk image downloader from a list of urls

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python package for downloading a collection of images from a list of urls. It comes with the following features:

  • Downloads are multithreaded using concurrent.futures.
  • Relies on a persistent cache. Already downloaded images are not downloaded again, unless you force imgdl to do so.
  • It can be used as a command line utility or as a python library.
  • Normalizes images to JPG format + RGB mode after download.
  • Generates thumbnails of varying sizes automatically.
  • Can space downloads with a random timeout drawn from an uniform distribution.


pip install imgdl

Or, from the root project directory:

pip install .


Here is a simple example using the default configurations:

from imgdl import download

urls = [

paths = download(urls, store_path='~/.datasets/images', n_workers=50)

100%|███████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:08<00:00, 2.68s/it]

Images will be downloaded to ~/.datasets/images using 50 threads. The function returns the list of paths to each image. Paths are constructed as {store_data}/{SHA1-hash(url).jpg}. If for any reason a download fails, imgdl returns a None as path.

Notice that if you invoke download again with the same urls, it will not download them again as it will check first that they are already downloaded.

paths = download(urls, store_path='~/.datasets/images', n_workers=50)

100%|████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 24576.00it/s]

Download was instantaneous! and imgdl is clever enough to return the image paths.

Here is the complete list of parameters taken by download:

  • iterator: The only mandatory parameter. Usually a list of urls, but can be any kind of iterator.
  • store_path: Root path where images should be stored
  • n_workers: Number of simultaneous threads to use
  • timeout: Timeout that the url request should tolerate
  • thumbs: If True, create thumbnails of sizes according to thumbs_size
  • thumbs_size: Dictionary of the kind {name: (width, height)} indicating the thumbnail sizes to be created.
  • min_wait: Minimum wait time between image downloads
  • max_wait: Maximum wait time between image downloads
  • force: download checks first if the image already exists on store_path in order to avoid double downloads. If you want to force downloads, set this to True.

Most of these parameters can also be set on a config.yaml file found on the directory where the Python process was launched. See config.yaml.example

Command Line Interface

It can also be used as a command line utility:

$ imgdl --help
usage: imgdl [-h] [-o STORE_PATH] [--thumbs THUMBS] [--n_workers N_WORKERS]
             [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--min_wait MIN_WAIT] [--max_wait MAX_WAIT]

Bulk image downloader from a list of urls

positional arguments:
  urls                  Text file with the list of urls to be downloaded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o STORE_PATH, --store_path STORE_PATH
                        Root path where images should be stored (default:
  --thumbs THUMBS       Thumbnail size to be created. Can be specified as many
                        times as thumbs sizes you want (default: None)
  --n_workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of simultaneous threads to use (default: 50)
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout to be given to the url request (default: 5.0)
  --min_wait MIN_WAIT   Minimum wait time between image downloads (default:
  --max_wait MAX_WAIT   Maximum wait time between image downloads (default:
  -f, --force           Force the download even if the files already exists
                        (default: False)


Images used for tests are from the wikimedia commons