
Back end application for clojure-react-app

Primary LanguageClojure



Flexi-Backend-Clojure houses a back-end server made with clojure that contains API endpoints and an authentication system designed to seamlessly integrate with the Flexi Apps stack. For a comprehensive guide on the entire Flexi Apps ecosystem, please refer to the Flexi Apps Documentation.

This project was created using kit-clj.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:

Application Stack

This project comprises the following components:

  • resources: The "resources" folder contains migration files and the base system configuration in the system.edn file.

  • src: The "src" folder contains the source code of the project.

  • env: The "env" folder contains code and configuration specific to each environment.

  • test: The "test" folder stores unit and/or integration tests for the project.

  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile includes instructions for building a Docker container for this project.

Database Setup

To launch this application, you will need the Postgres service running with a minimum database schema. Execute the following SQL commands on your Postgres server:

CREATE USER sample_app WITH PASSWORD 'sample_app';

CREATE DATABASE sample_app_dev;
CREATE DATABASE sample_app_test;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sample_app_dev TO sample_app;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sample_app_test TO sample_app;

Starting the container

To run this application without the need for the front-end and proxy services, execute the following commands:

docker build . -t flexi-backend-clojure

docker run --rm -d \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -v ./:/app \
  -e DB_USER="sample_app" \
  -e DB_PASSWORD="sample_app" \
  -e JDBC_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sample_app" \
  -e JDBC_DEV_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sample_app_dev" \
  -e JDBC_TEST_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sample_app_test" \
  --name flexi-backend-clojure \

This will start a React container in the background. Once you access the container, you can Start a REPL or make requests to its backend endpoints.

Stoping the container

To stop the container, execute the following command:

docker stop flexi-backend-clojure

Accessing the container

Once the container is running, you can access it with:

docker exec -it flexi-backend-clojure /bin/sh

Once on the container terminal, you can Start a REPL.

Start a REPL

After accessing the shell terminal of this project, you need to run the following command to start a REPL:

clojure -M:dev
# Clojure 1.11.1
# user=>

Now you have a Clojure REPL for interacting with the app. The REPL starts without a database connection. To initiate it, run:

;; #object[user$dev_prep_BANG_$fn__39701 0x40ba4a5d "user$dev_prep_BANG_$fn__39701@40ba4a5d"]

;; 2023-10-18 11:50:11,368 [main] INFO  kit.config - Reading config system.edn
;; :prepped

(use-system :db.sql/connection)
;; 2023-10-18 11:50:17,122 [main] INFO  kit.config - Reading config system.edn
;; #object[com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource 0x7d6548b4 "HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1)"]

To simplify these commands, you can use the following shortcut:

;; 2023-10-16 12:28:29,527 [main] INFO  kit.config - Reading config system.edn
;; 2023-10-16 12:28:29,537 [main] INFO  kit.config - Reading config system.edn
;; #object[kit.edge.db.sql.conman$eval16250$fn__16252$fn__16254 0x483f0877 "kit.edge.db.sql.conman$eval16250$fn__16252$fn__16254@483f0877"]

For more information, refer to Deps and CLI Guide for REPL based development and Integrant-REPL for state/config and state/system.

Populating the database

For development purposes, it's a good practice to populate your database with sample data. To do this, access the back-end REPL and run:

;; Seeds completed!

Please note that this function is only accessible in the development REPL.