
Fullstack Project from The Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele in Udemy.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YelpCamp is a website where users can browse, create and review campgrounds. This project is part of The Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele in Udemy. It was developed using Node.js, Express, MongoDB & Bootstrap. Passport.js was used to handle user authentication.


  • User registration & authentication
  • Browse, create and edit campgrounds
  • Submit campground reviews


🛠️ Install

Start by cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/felipebertocchi/yelpcamp-project

Then switch to the project's folder and install all dependencies

cd yelpcamp-project && npm install

.env file

To run this project, you need to create a .env file in the root of the project with the following parameters:






Unsplash API key is only required for running the seeds file, while Mapbox is required to display the map and Cloudinary to upload images

If you prefer to use Mongo Atlas instead, you should replace MONGODB_URI string with the connection string provided by Mongo Atlas:


🚀 Usage

npm start

If all goes well, this should appear in the console:

[mongodb] database connected
Webserver running on http://localhost:3000

🌐 Live Demo

🛣️ Roadmap

  • Campgrounds index pagination
  • Search campgrounds by name
  • Sort campgrounds by price, rating, etc
  • User profiles
  • Campground bookmarks
  • Search autocomplete/suggestions

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome
Don't foget to leave a star! ⭐

💻 Author

Felipe Bertocchi - fabertocchi@gmail.com

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