
Instagram Clone made with Flutter using responsive_framework, for Desktop, Web and Mobile. FLUTTER 💙 + Instagram ❤

Primary LanguageDart


Topics 📋

About 📖

A practical and simples Instagram Clone developed with responsive_framework, an incredible package.
This project using this package gave me a lot of productivity regarding responsiveness in Flutter, because it adapts my UI for each type of screen, without so much concern.
If you want to learn how to do a similar one, access the course: Responsiveness in the Flutter | Mobile, Tablet, Web e Desktop, of which I am a teaching instructor! I hope you enjoy!

Previews 📱💻🖥

Functionalities 🛠️

  • With just one code you can generate applications for:
    • Mobile 📱
    • Tablets 📱
    • Web 💻
    • Desktop 🖥️
  • With this project, you can see a simple and practical example of how it works 😏

Challenges and Learnings along the way 🤯

That was my second experience creating a fully responsive Flutter Aplication.
This time, I used responsive_framework, of which I had a very high productivity, and I really liked it.
Again, as in the previous project, I hosted the application on Firebase Hosting, and this time, without any difficulty and challenge, it was simple and practical. Once again I learned too much from Responsivity!!! 📱💻🖥

How to Use 🤔

First of all, correctly configure the Flutter Web development environment on your machine, see https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install

- Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/felipecastrosales/fluttergram fluttergram

- Enter in directory:
$ cd fluttergram

- For install dependencies:
$ flutter pub get

- Run the app: 
$ flutter run

How to Contribute 💪

- Fork the project 

- Create a new branch with your changes:
$ git checkout -b my-feature

- Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did:
$ git commit -m "feature: My new feature"

- Submit your changes:
$ git push origin my-feature

This project was developed with ❤️ by @Felipe Sales, with the instructor @Daniel Ciolfi, in the course "Responsividade no Flutter | Mobile, Tablet, Web e Desktop" on Udemy.
If it helped you, give ⭐, contribute, it will help me too 😉

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