
This project aims to provide static binaries for skopeo, in which you can install on any system without the need of any package manager. It is especially useful for distributions that do not have skopeo in their repositories, like Ubuntu 20.04 and olders.

Note that using skopeo as a static binary is not recommended by the maintainers of skopeo (more information here), especially for security reasons, therefore use it at your own risk.


  • Provide static binaries for linux/amd64 as GitHub Releases
  • Bundle a default policy.json file to make skopeo work out of the box
  • Provide a scratch-based docker image with the static binaries for linux/amd64
  • Automate the build and release process with GitHub Actions
  • Provide static binaries for more architectures
  • Check daily for new versions of skopeo and release new binaries automatically

Differences from the official skopeo

There is only one difference between the official skopeo and this project: this one has a default policy.json embedded which is mandatory for skopeo to work. The official skopeo does not bundle this file, and it is up to the user to provide one (usually provided by the distribution's package manager).


There are two methods to install skopeo-bin:

From GitHub Releases

You can download the static binary from the GitHub Releases and place it under a directory in your $PATH variable, like /usr/local/bin/skopeo:

# pick any version you want from the releases page

# download the static binary
sudo curl -L --output /usr/local/bin/skopeo${version}/skopeo.linux-amd64

# make it executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/skopeo

From the docker image

If you want to bundle skopeo in a docker image, you have an easier way to install it:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

COPY / /usr/local/bin/

Building skopeo-bin

It should be as simple as:

# Build and output the static binary to the current directory
docker build --output .

# Check if it works
./skopeo --version


As the release process is not automated yet, you can run the following command to release a new version:

scripts/ 1.14.0

If no version is provided, the latest version of skopeo will be assumed.