
Serverless functions built with OpenFaaS to spin new servers on Hetzner Cloud and shut them down automatically when they are unutilized.

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spinner ⚡🔄



Serverless functions built with OpenFaaS to spin new servers on Hetzner Cloud and shut them down automatically when they are unutilized.


  • Scaling nodes horizontally for video-encoding based on incoming HTTP requests.


  • Saving costs for large and expensive servers in Hetzner Cloud provider.


Provision infrastructure

As of today, the cheapest server type on Hetzner Cloud is cx11 (1vCPU, 2GB RAM for 3EUR/month). Learn more about the wide range of server types here.

Let's provision a cx11 server with faasd installed. We'll be using cloud-init to initialize the server with faasd, as per the cloud-config.tpl file.


To make it easier to provide all prerequisites like the OpenFaaS and Terraform command line utilities, we provide a container image and use it for bootstrapping now.

docker run --rm -it \
  -e TF_VAR_hcloud_token=<HCLOUD_TOKEN> \
  -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
  • The -e TF_VAR_hcloud_token=<HCLOUD_TOKEN> env. var is required to authenticate to Hetzner Cloud and provision the infrastructure.
  • The -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh parameter is required to configure the Hetzner server with your SSH key so that you can SSH into it if needed.

Or you could build and run it yourself:

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/felipecruz91/spinner.git
cd spinner

# Build the bootstrap container
docker build -t spinner-infra-boostrap .

# Exec into the bootstrap container
docker run --rm -it \
  -e TF_VAR_hcloud_token=<HCLOUD_TOKEN> \
  -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \

Bootstrap the infrastructure

# Initialize Terraform
/work # terraform init
# Create the infrastructure in Hetzner Cloud
/work # terraform apply -auto-approve

If everything went well, you should see the following output:

gateway_url = http://<faasd-node-ip>:8080
login_cmd = faas-cli login -g http://<faasd-node-ip>:8080 -p <random-password>
password = <random-password>


Then, access the OpenFaaS UI at http://$FAASD_NODE_IP:8080/ using the username admin and the random password generated previously.


As you can see in the picture above, there are two functions already deployed:

  • The spinner function serves an endpoint to create a new server to process HTTP requests. It will serve the request by creating a new server of type cx21 with image Ubuntu 20.04 located on nbg1 (Nuremberg) on Hetzner Cloud and will perform a 301 Redirect to the caller. Replace the X-Api-Key value with your own.
curl -v \
 --header "X-Api-Key: <HCLOUD_TOKEN>" \

For instance, if we want to delete any servers whose CPU load is below under 50% in the last 5 minutes, set the following values:

metric_name: "cpu"
metric_threshold: "50"
last_minutes: 5

and deploy the spinner-controller function again:

faas-cli login -g http://<faasd-node-ip>:8080 -p <password>
faas-cli deploy -g http://<faasd-node-ip>:8080 -f spinner-controller.yml

Once deployed, it will be automatically called based on the cron schedule.

Clean up

# Destroy the infrastructure in Hetzner Cloud
/work # terraform destroy -auto-approve


The server should have initialized with the cloud-init configuration right after it has booted. If needed, you could SSH into the server and check the status of the faasd service. It should say active (running).

ssh root@$FAASD_NODE_IP 'systemctl status faasd'

systemctl status faasd
● faasd.service - faasd
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/faasd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-12-28 15:14:15 CET; 12min ago
(ommited lines)

The cloud-init output log file (/var/log/cloud-init-output.log) captures console output so it is easy to debug your scripts following a launch if the instance does not behave the way you intended.

ssh root@<faasd-node-ip>
cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log