BCryptSwift is an implementation of bcrypt written in Swift. It currently is able to generate the salt and hash a phrase using a generated salt.
BCryptSwift.generateSaltWithNumberOfRounds(rounds: UInt) -> String
BCryptSwift.generateSalt() -> String
BCryptSwift.hashPassword(password: String, withSalt salt: String) -> String?
BCryptSwift.verifyPassword(password: String, matchesHash hash: String) -> Bool?
The generateSaltWithNumberOfRounds()
class function will generate a random salt using the number of rounds provided. The number of rounds must be between 4 and 31 inclusively.
The generateSalt()
class convenience function will generate a random salt using a default 10 rounds. This number can be adjusted based on your specific needs.
The hashPassword(withSalt:)
class function will hash the password phrase using the salt. If there is an issue during processing, nil will be returned. Check the function documentation for details.
The verifyPassword(matchesHash:)
class convenience function will hash the password phrase using the hash, then return the comparison between the new hash and the given hash. If there is an issue during processing, nil will be returned. Check the function documentation for details.
There is an example Xcode project that uses the BCryptSwift functions to calculate salts, hashes, and compare hashes. See the example project for a better understanding on how to use the functions.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Swift 4.0 or higher.
BCryptSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "BCryptSwift"
Provide suitable unit tests for the functions in the BCryptSwift
and BCryptSwiftRandom
If you have any issues, bugs, or feature suggestions, please create an issue.
Felipe F Garcia, felipeflorencio@me.com
Twitter: @dr_nerd
Apache License Version 2.0
This project was inspired by and based on the Objective-C port by Jay Fuerstenberg (Git Repo).
The Objective-C port is based on the original Java implementation by Damien Miller found here.
The Swift port was made originaly by Joe Kramer (Git Repo).