n5GTour - GLOBECOM 2019

n5GTour is a framework for the optimized design of recommending personalized multi-user itineraries. n5G considers:

  • Tourist preferences
  • Efficient allocation of edge cloud resources
  • Advanced aplications' performance

For more information about how n5GTour operates, please refer to the work that gave origin to it, named Personalized Travel Itineraries with Multi-access Edge Computing Touristic Services, which can be accessed here

Getting started

Phase A of nG5Tour, responsible for generating itineraries, is written in C++ and is located at espprc folder. Please ensure that you have boost library installed before executing the makefile

Phase B, reponsilbe for allocationg resources, is written in Python and is the file n5GTour.py located at root. Please ensure that CPLEX is present and that you have the following libraries installed:

  • networkx
  • docplex


Contributions are welcome, the process is as simple as cloning, making changes and submitting a pull request

Citing this work

If you make use of n5GTour or of its dataset, please cite the following work:

  TITLE = {{Personalized Travel Itineraries with Multi-access Edge Computing Touristic Services}},
  AUTHOR = {Fonseca, Felipe and Mamatas, Lefteris and Carneiro Viana, Aline and Correa, Sand L and Cardoso, Kleber V},
  URL = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02285929},
  BOOKTITLE = {{Accepted for publication: IEEE Globecom}},
  ADDRESS = {Big Island, Hawaii, United States},
  YEAR = {2019},
  MONTH = Dec,
  KEYWORDS = {5g ; Personalized Travel Itineraries ; Multi-access Edge Computing ; Network Slicing},
  PDF = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02285929/file/main.pdf},
  HAL_ID = {hal-02285929},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},

Contact the authors

Research group website: https://labora.inf.ufg.br