
Simple Finance Manager webapp built with React and Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Finance App with Redux

Simple Finance Manager app built with React and Redux

Try it out at: https://felipegalvao.github.io/react-finance-redux/public/index.html

This is a React app to manage expenses and incomes. You need to login with Google or Github to use it. When logged in, you can add items (expenses or incomes), filter items by date or text and clear the filters. You can also delete expenses and incomes. Authentication and persistence of expenses and incomes is handled with Firebase.

Tests with Karma and Expect can be run with "npm test".

I also built the same app built without Redux, in the following URL: https://github.com/felipegalvao/react-finance-redux

Installing Instructions

To run this project locally, here are the steps:

  • Clone this repository
  • Run "npm install"
  • Run "npm start"