Intersection Ventures Challenge

The challenge was to implement a very simple web application for listing, creating and deleting Tutors. The web app should also implement an API.

Instalation instructions

  • Install SQLite (for example in Ubuntu run sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev)
  • Clone this repo
  • (Optionally) Create a virtual environment
  • Install the requirements running pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create the database running python init_db
  • Run the application with python

The application is set to run at http://localhost:8080


The API base URL is http://localhost:8080/api


  • GET /api/tutors: retrieves all the Tutors
  • GET /api/tutors/<id>: retrieves a specific Tutor identified by <id>
  • POST /api/tutors: creates a Tutor, must receive a json in the body of the request in the format {"name": "Tutor Name", "document_no": "Document number"}
  • PUT /api/tutors: updates a Tutor, must receive a json in the body of the request in the format {"name": "Tutor Name", "document_no": "Document number"} (at least one field must be present)
  • DELETE /api/tutors/<id>: deletes a Tutor