Exploring Akka 2.6.12 with Scala 2.12.7 and Java 8. The docker images are available at docker hub.
Compile the project and verify the image created:
sbt docker:stage
sbt docker:publishLocal
docker images
Run the docker image: docker run -i felipeogutierrez/explore-akka:1.1
(don't forget the -i
parameter to allow STDIN open!).
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
kubectl create namespace akka
// This application is an Akka-http hello world
kubectl apply -f k8s/basics/hello-pod.yaml -n akka
kubectl port-forward hello 8001
This application is an Akka-cluster. 1 - Deploy the seed nodes:
kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster/akka-cluster-seed.yaml
Deploy the worker nodes:
kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster/akka-cluster-workers.yaml
kubectl scale statefulset akka-seed --replicas=3
Check the logs:
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl logs -f akka-seed-0 | akka-seed-1 | akka-seed-2
- Release notes for scalatest 3.2.0
- useful commands:
sbt compile
sbt test
sbt package
sbt run
sbt clean assembly
sbt protobuf:protobufGenerate
sbt docker:stage
tree target/docker/stage
sbt docker:publishLocal
docker images
docker image rm <IMAGE_ID>