
  • App developed with React JS to improve knowledge.

First Steps

After you clonning or download this repository you have to enter on folder using Terminal or Command Prompt and run the following command.

    npm install

This command will install all app dependencies .

  • After that you have to create a file inside src/constants with name constants.js like below.
const Constants = {
    BASE_HOST: '{{ your api base host }}',
        getPointsByStreamer: (streamerName, username) => `${Constants.BASE_HOST}/points/${streamerName}/${username}`,
        getStoreItemsByStreamer: (streamerName, streamType) => `${Constants.BASE_HOST}/items/${streamerName}/${streamType}`,
        getStreamerList: () => `${Constants.BASE_HOST}/streamers/list`,
        getPointsFromAllStreamerList: (username) => `${Constants.BASE_HOST}/streamers/points/total/${username}`

export default Constants;