
Project developed at the 1st Next Level Week, by Rocketseat.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WEB app with NodeJS + ReactJS

This project implements a web app to store garbage collect points, using ReactJS, Typescript, Knex Query Builder, Multer and SQLite.

Demo screen

Environment requirements

  • NodeJS with the NPM package manager installed.
  • Install the Yarn if you prefer to use it.

Required NPM packages

Module Purpose
Express Create a web server to serve statically the game pages
Knex Query builder to manage the database and queries
SQLite 3 Databse file-based to store data


  • Store garbage collect points
  • Position selection on map
  • Search for states and cities from the IBGE API
  • Image upload on drop file

Get started

  1. Clone this project: git clone https://github.com/felipeleite11/ecoleta.git
  2. Enter in server directory
    1. Execute npm install or yarn to install dependencies
    2. Execute npm start or yarn start to run the server (API)
  3. Enter in web directory
    1. Execute npm install or yarn to install dependencies
    2. Execute npm start or yarn start to run the web app (this will automatically open http://localhost:3333 in your default browser)
  4. Try the app