Covariate Shift Adaptation in High-Dimensional and Divergent Distributions

This directory contains the following notebooks and folders:

  1. Results Regression (notebook): generates the results for experiments involving regression trees;
  2. Results Classification (notebook): generates the results for experiments involving classification trees;
  3. Outputs (notebook): generates table and plot from data generated in (1) and (2);
  4. Toy Model (notebook): generates plot for toy model;
  5. outputs (folder): folder containing the data generated in (1) and (2) - empty;
  6. plots(folder): folder containing all the generated plots;
  7. Programs (folder): folder containing other code used
    • some basic functions;
    • functions that loads datasets and creats covariate shift;
    • models to estimate density ratio;
    • some classes containing sklearn models for our use;
    • GMM for feature selection;