
A Fantasy Console for the Pokitto

Primary LanguageC++

  • console( string or number ) Prints the given argument to the IDE's console.

  • print( string or number ) Prints the given argument to the screen at the current position, with the current color.

  • printNumber( number ) Like print, but only for numbers and faster.

  • tile( number x, number y, bitmap or color index ) Sets a tile to either a bitmap or a color. Bitmap must be either 8x8 or 16x16, 8bpp.

  • fill( color index ) Sets all tiles to the given color.

  • tileshift( number x, number y ) Adjusts the tilemap's pixel coordinates. Must be between 0 and 7 inclusive.

  • sprite( number x, number y, bitmap ) Draws bitmap at the specified x/y coordinates. See the color/mirror/flip commands for further customization.

  • splash( string file name ) Reads a 16-bit image file directly to the screen. Use a window to avoid erasing the result.

  • mirror( boolean enable ) Sprites will be drawn mirrored (flipped horizontally) when enabled.

  • flip( boolean enable ) Sprites will be drawn flipped vertically when enabled

  • window( number start x, number start y, number end x, number end y ) Specifies the area of the screen that should be redrawn at the end of the frame.

  • random( number minimum, number maximum ) Returns a random number. Inclusive lower bound, exclusive upper bound.

  • builtin( string name ) Returns a built-in resource (sprite/tile)

  • cursor( number x, number y ) Sets the screen coordinates for text printing.

  • color( number color index ) Sets the color to use for text/sprites/tiles.

  • background( number color index ) Sets the background color to use for text.

  • pressed( string button name ) Returns true if the specified button is pressed. Case-sensitive. Must be one of: A, B, C, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.

  • justPressed( string button name ) Returns true if the specified button has just been pressed. Case-sensitive. Must be one of: A, B, C, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.

  • time() Returns the number of milliseconds since startup.

  • new Array( number size ) Creates an array of the given size and returns it.

  • length( array ) Returns the length of the given array.

  • peek( pointer ) Reads a byte from the given pointer.

  • poke( pointer, byte value ) Writes the given byte to the given pointer.

  • music( string raw file name ) Plays an 8-bit 8khz raw sound file.

  • highscore( number score ) Saves the given score as the highscore if it is higher than the previous one.

  • exit() Returns to menu.

  • exec( string pine file name ) Terminates the current script and loads another, within the same project.

  • file(string file name, array or null) Reads the file into the given array. Creates an array if one isn't given. Returns the same array or null if the file could not be read.

  • file(string file name) Mounts the given res file for reading with the other file function.

  • io(string key, ... ) Reads/Writes from the given source. Number of arguments varies depending on the key.

    • io("COLOR", number x, number y): returns the color of the tile at the given X/Y coordinates.
    • io("TILE", number x, number y): returns the bitmap of the tile at the given X/Y coordinates. More keys will be added in the future.