
Project developed with ReactJS + NextJS + TypeScript in Next Level Week by Rocketseat NLW#4 🚀

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next Level Week Project

The move.it project helps to improve your health in a fun way and increasing your productivity, using the Pomodoro technique, move.it makes a 25 minute countdown, after that time, it releases a challenge, which can be armies for the eyes or stretching to the body. Each challenge has an amount of XP that you can use to level up.

The following tools were used in the application:

You can see a live demo at https://nlw-4-moveit-woad.vercel.app/

Running locally in development mode

To get started, just clone the repository and run npm install && npm run dev:

    # clone repo
    $ git clone https://github.com/iMuloo/nlw-4.git

    # open project folder
    $ cd nlw-4

    # install dependencies
    $ npm install
    # or
    $ yarn

    # run application
    $ npm run dev
    # or
    $ yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Note: If you are running on Windows run install --noptional flag (i.e. npm install --no-optional) which will skip installing fsevents.


Felipe Meneses

Felipe Meneses 👋🏻 Find me:

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This project is under the MIT license.