- 1
Add a .GIF to README
#24 opened by chicobentojr - 0
Rewrite following bbatsov/ruby-style-guide
#21 opened by felipemfp - 5
Create a .exe
#22 opened by felipemfp - 4
Improve accelerating and braking
#13 opened by felipemfp - 0
Add option to choose the difficulty
#17 opened by felipemfp - 0
Add a countdown before start coming cars
#18 opened by felipemfp - 3
In the two-way scenario, add a car in each way
#15 opened by felipemfp - 2
- 4
Define way to calculate score
#11 opened by chicobentojr - 0
Add a two way street
#12 opened by felipemfp - 3
Add pause and confirm exit on game
#9 opened by felipemfp - 0
Increase the difficulty
#3 opened by felipemfp - 1
Add new improvements
#7 opened by felipemfp - 0
Check collisions between bot cars
#10 opened by felipemfp - 0
Add i18n support
#8 opened by felipemfp - 0
Add animations and sound effects
#4 opened by felipemfp - 0
- 1
Save sound config at data.json
#5 opened by felipemfp - 0
Add option to choose the car
#2 opened by felipemfp - 1
Add a simple menu
#1 opened by felipemfp