Rock Clothing (Server Side) 👕

Simple E-commerce application built with React and GraphQL.

I built this application to practice my React and GraphQL skills. It's a pretty simple one so the data is static and can not be changed in the client side.

Home Page

Collection Page

Cart Drawer

Checkout Page

Login Page

Register Page

Quick Start 🚀

Install the dependencies:

    yarn install

Create an .env file in the root directory with the following values:


You can change the CLIENT_URL value if your client URL is different or if you want to deploy the application.

Setting Up Your Stripe Secret Key 🔑

The Stripe API is used to process the payment of the products. A test credit card to actually do the payments is provided by Stripe.

To get a Stripe Secret Key you need to create an account here.

After you create your account, yet in the Stripe website go to the Dashboard and expand the Get your test API keys section:

Test API keys demo Then you can see your own Stripe Secret Key.

Notes On The Database 📁

I provided the password of the guest user of the database, so you can only read the data. The database has all the necessary data that the application needs to work. Remember that is a simple e-commerce project so it does not have a functionality to edit the products. If you want to implement, you are free to do it.

Client Side Code 💻

The client side code of this project is in this repo.

Application Info 📝


Felipe Rocha @dicasparadevs.




This project is licensed under the MIT License.