
Here I used a Frontend Mentor challenge to experiment with SolidJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See the size of the elements adjust based on their device's screen size
  • Perform mathmatical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Adjust the color theme based on their preference
  • Bonus: Have their initial theme preference checked using prefers-color-scheme and have any additional changes saved in the browser


Theme1 Theme 2 Theme 3

My process

Built with

  • SolidJS - Simple and performant reactivity for building user interfaces
  • big.js - A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
  • Jest - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity
  • Cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser

Useful resources


This calculator should behave similar to the macOS Calculator.


The theme can be changed by:

  • mouse, clicking on the range input
  • keyboard, tabbing into the range input and pressing the arrow keys


The keyboard can be used by:

  • mouse, clicking on the calculator's keyboard buttons
  • keyboard, pressing the equivalent keys on the physical keyboard
    • r for RESET
    • backspace or delete for DEL
  • keyboard, tabbing into the calculator's keyboard buttons and pressing enter or space bar


  • upper limit: 999,999,999.9999
  • lower limit: -999,999,999.9999
  • decimal precision: 4


When an error occurs, an alert is shown and the display is cleared.

  • [Error] Division by zero
  • [Error] Out of bounds
  • [Error] Internal error