This repository reproduces an issue with @percy/cli and @percy/storybook when using pnpm workspace.

  • In order to see the error please run pnpm install
  • Then run pnpm run --filter a visual-test
  • This command will run the script called visual-test in the file package.json.
  • The expected behaviour running this command should be: [percy] Error: Not found: ./storybook-static
  • Instead the result will be [percy] ParseError: Unexpected argument 'storybook'

The reason for the error is because the importCommands function in packages/cli/src/commands.js will find the following folder as its sibling ./node_modules/.pnpm/@percy+cli@1.27.6/node_modules/@percy which only contain symlinks to @percy/cli dependencies. As other commands packages are not dependencies this breaks compatibility. In order to keep it working as expected the folder ./node_modules would need to be added.