Nova Action Button

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This package allows you to execute an action directly on your resource table view.


composer require pdmfc/nova-action-button


use App\Nova\Actions\ChangeRole;
use Pdmfc\NovaFields\ActionButton;


public function fields()
    return [
            ->action(ChangeRole::class, $this->id)
            //->action(new ChangeRole(), $this->id) using a new instance

The action() method requires two params - the action class name or a new instance, and the target resource id.

Basic example

Disabling button

You can use the native Laravel nova readonly() method to prevent users from clicking the button:

    ->action(ChangeRole::class, $this->id)
    ->readonly(function () {
        return $this->role->name === 'admin';

Disabling the button

Change the button text

To edit the button text content, use the text() method.



  • Currently, in order to use this field, you still have to declare the action in your resource actions() method.

How to contribute

  • clone the repo
  • on composer.json of a laravel nova application add the following:

    "require" {
        "pdmfc/nova-action-button: "*"

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../path_to_your_package_folder"
  • run composer update pdmfc/nova-action-button

You're now ready to start contributing!


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.