
Add/Remove dynamic nested associations for Phoenix Applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dynamic Nested

Actions Status

Add dynamic support to add and remove nested associations generated by Phoenix.HTML.inputs_for.


In order to get it working, the following attributes must be added in the markup:

[dynamic-nested]                 - to active this component.
[dynamic-nested-index=${index}]  - to get nested association.
[dynamic-nested-add]             - to add nested.
[dynamic-nested-remove]          - to remove nested.
<div dynamic-nested>
 <%= inputs_for @f, :categories, [skip_hidden: true], fn c -> %>
   <%= content_tag :div, dynamic_nested_index: c.index do %>
     # PS: generate hidden fields inside rows group to handle them easily.
     = for {key, value} <- row.hidden do
       = hidden_input c, key, value: value, dynamic_nested_field_id: true
     <%= text_input c, :name %>
     <button type="button" dynamic-nested-remove>Remove</button>
   <% end %>
 <% end %>

<button type="button" dynamic-nested-add>Add</button>

Also, make sure to initialize this script after importing it on your application.

import DynamicNested from 'dynamic_nested'

document.querySelectorAll('[dynamic-nested]').forEach(element => DynamicNested(element))

It supports the following callbacks:

  • beforeClone - You might want to do something before cloning the element.
  • afterAdd - You might want to do something after adding the new element.
  • afterRemove - You might want to do something after removing the element.
const beforeClone = (element) => { ... }
const afterAdd    = (element, newElement) => { ... }
const afterRemove = (elements) => { ... }

  .forEach(element => DynamicNested(element, { beforeClone, afterAdd, afterRemove }))

Everytime a User adds a new row, it is going to generate a new index for that row incrementing +1 from the last row on the page. As soon as an User removes a row, all indexes will be updated accordingly to reflect their position on the page.


npm install --save dynamic_nested

Know caveats

  • It must contains at least one nested markup rendered on the page since DinamicNested will use it as a template to clone.
  • You must be using the last version of Phoenix.HTML that supports skip_hidden fields.