
A list of tasks to check in order to prepare your Salesforce Commerce Cloud for a successful go-live

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A list of tasks to check in order to prepare your Salesforce Commerce Cloud for a successful go-live

This list covers generic tasks that every site should do before going into Live mode on Production. There are thousand more than the team responsible for the site development should do on top of them - site must be developed according to specifications, all tests (manual or automated) should pass successfully, catalog, price, inventory, and other data should be imported and so on.

The "Time before go-live" is mostly "rule of thumb" - it may vary in your case.

Item Time before go-live
Initial data and code replication from Staging to Production 1 month
Configure Business Manager preferences with the Production values 1 week
Whitelist IP addresses and ports for In-Out network connections 2 weeks
Business Manager users and permissions 2 weeks
Configure sequence numbers 2 weeks
Configure shipping methods 2 weeks
Configure Custom object retention 2 weeks
Services have proper timeout, rate limitter and curcuit breaker 2 weeks
Configure job notification settings 2 weeks
Configure jobs and their schedules 2-3 weeks
Search indexation happens on Staging and replicated to Production 1 week
Search index is scheduled to happen once per day 1 week
Obtain SSL certificates 3 weeks
Install SSL certificates 2 weeks
Configure robots.txt 2 weeks
Schedule data replications 2 weeks
Configure 404 page 2 weeks
Configure maintenance / site down page 2 weeks
Configure legacy URLs (if migrating from another platform) 1 week
Configure aliases and static mappings 2 weeks
Have plan what to do with old customers and their passwords (if migrating from another platform) 2 weeks
eCDN setup 1 week
Update domain TTL to 5 minutes 1 week
Clean up test data on Production 1 week
Speak with Salesforce to asses your site and allow Live mode (SRA) 2-3 weeks
Ensure no quotas are violated during test period 2 weeks