
Group Recognition using OpenGL and a Dataset

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • Felipe Pfeifer Rubin
  • Ian Aragon Escobar


  • 4 testcases, each txt file relates to one mp4 video
  • Relatorio.pdf: Describes the work in Portuguese(BR)


  • At main.cpp, change the first lines from main() which points to the files .txt
  • If you want easily just change to vc[n].filename = argv[n];
  • Requires OpenGL (probably >= 2.0)
  • gcc main.cpp vmath.cpp video.cpp -o main
  • Also if not in IDE (e.g. XCode) add -l


  • ./main
  • Space to Pause/Play
  • When Paused
    • K to change video
    • Left Arrow go back 1 frame
    • Right Arrow go forth 1 frame
    • Up Arrow go forth 10 frames
    • Down Arrow go back 10 frames
    • [0-9] go to ([0-9]*10)% of the video
    • Esc to exit


  • 2 Lines:
    • 205: glEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_EXT);
    • 206: glPointSize(5);
  • Comment them (On MacOS HighSierra they work).
  • All files are actually Coded in C, only needed thing is to remove the dynamic allocation (malloc/calloc) casting that comes before the function call.

