
Some points about this configuration

  • This is a configuration for w3m that aims to be compatible with shortcuts of vim-like browsers, complements (e.g. dwb, VimFx) and firefox/chrome.

  • Vim-like shortcuts are preferable to firefox shortcut, So in a case that I can only implement one I will choose vim-like

  • Many features of w3m AFAIK are not incorporated in any of these browsers, so the complete compatibility is not posible (e.g. BACK = delete current buffer and go back in history)

  • This configuration is work in progresss

  • Some shortcuts

    • h, j, k, l = Move the screen as a pager.
    • Arrow keys = Move cursor
    • w, b = Move the cursor a word each time (forward, backward)
    • 0, C-a = Move the cursor to the fist column
    • $, C-e = Move the cursor to the last column
    • t, C-t = Open new foreground tab in duckduckgo.com/lite
    • yt = Duplicate current tab
    • d, C-w = Close current tab and save it to restore it
    • u, C-T = Restore last closed tab
    • yy = Copy current page url to clipboard
    • yf = Copy url under cursor to clipboard
    • p = Paste and search url in clipboard in current page
    • P = Paste and search url in clipboard in new foreground tab
    • q = Quit w3m with confirmation
    • ZZ = Quit w3m without confirmation
    • o, C-l = Focus on address bar, open in current tab
    • O = Focus on address bar open in new foreground tab
    • M-o = Open current link with external browser
    • M-p = Open link under cursor with external browser
    • f, enter = Open url under cursor in current tab
    • F = Open url under cursor in new foreground tab
    • gg = Move cursor to the first line
    • G = Move the cursor to the last line
    • J = Change focus to left tab
    • gJ = Move tab to the right
    • K = Change focus to right tab
    • gK = Move tab to the left
    • H = Go back in history
    • L = Go forward in history
    • {, } = Move between links
    • / = Enter find mode (It accepts regexp)
    • n = Find next
    • N = Find previous
    • * = OPTIONS
    • + = HELP
    • M-r = Reload keymap configuration
    • C-o = Load local file
    • C-u = See source code of the page
  • This is just a part of the configuration, see the keymap file to see the complete list

  • See the functions.txt file to see the list of functions and their descriptions

  • This configuration in order to work needs

    • Move the keymap file to ~/w3m/keymap
    • Move the cgi scripts in root-cgi-bin to /usr/lib/w3m/cgi-bin
    • Move the scripts in scripts_in_path to your $PATH
    • Give execute permission to all the scripts
    • the xsel program for the clipboard functionality