🔎 DevOps Observability Monitoring Project

Applying DevOps, Observability and Monitoring concepts on a workshop app with New Relic.

  • Developing the APM (App Performance Monitoring).
  • Monitoring MELT (Metrics, Event, Logs and Traces).
  • Dashboard and Metrics visualization.
  • Synthetics application.
  • Static and Dynamic alerts and
  • Core Web Vitals and Apdex Monitoring.

🛵The App🍱

Food Delivery app was built with AngularJS and Node.js backend and hosted at Glitch. home app2

👨🏻‍🏫 Observability Dashboard

New Relic Final Dashboard

Watch the live version here (New Relic account required)

Dashboard Preview

Dashboard 1 Dashboard 2

Application Performance Monitoring APM

Knowing how our dependencies across the distributed system are working help us to detect anomalies, reduce latency, squash errors, and optimize customer’s experience.

🩺 App's Core Web Vitals ✅

These are the new metrics with which Google is going to measure the user experience.

FoodMe App results:

Everything's green and stable for our user during our first week of use. Core Web Vitals

🤖 Synthetics and Alerts 🚨


Synthetic monitoring is a suite of automated, scriptable tools to monitor your websites, critical business transactions, and API endpoints.

We use them to simulate user traffic to proactively detect and resolve outages and poor performance of critical endpoints before our real customers.

Syntethics ten test passed


Let us set up robust and customizable alert policies for anything we need to get notified. alerts

💙Special Thanks💙

To all my friends and the community for interacting with the app, here is a piece of everyone at every chart🥰.