
Flerovium is a very simple database-less blog engine.

Primary LanguagePHP


Flerovium is a very simple database-less blog engine wich relys on a GOD Object for everything control. I like simple things, and for me, this anti-pattern is simple.


You just have to get all package and extract into your website root. After that you can create themes.


The structure is very simple, you just have to create inside the folder 'Blog' another folder with the Post Category Name and inside it a file withouth extension wich it name is the Post Title and it contents the Post Text.


A basic Flerovium theme have 3 files:

-main.php -category.php -post.php

The first representes the main page, where it will be showing all posts indepdently of its category. The second only will show the posts from a category. The third just a single post. As seen in web_root/category/postName -- Ex : web_root/Life/Life is Good

Inside the theme page you can use some template language flerovium supports:


-This one will return a UL with all the categorys you have in your blog environment.


-If used on main page, it will return all the posts from anywhere in this structure:

	<div class="post">
		<span>Date - Time</span>


-This one will retrive the actual active Category. Don't use it on main page.


-Using this one inside category page on your theme will return in a similar structure as {{AllPosts}} all the posts from that specfic category


-When used inside single post page it will return the post title.


-When used inside post page it will return the full post text.

  • You can check the default theme for better undestaing of this core concepts.
  • Yes, you can have multiple themes, just create wich one in a different page inside Template folder, for changing it you can just going to Core/Flerovium.php and changing the $template on line 8.


I know some of the code problems. And yes, I know I'm killing DRY sometimes, but relax, if you can refactor it for me, do it. Nevertheless, I will be working to make it the best I can time pass by.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Felipe de Souza - 2 CBOS / 2 Texas Onion / 1 Milk Shake de Nutella / Solo Steak On Banana Jack


TODO: Write license