
Portfolio Project by Luis Sanjuan, Santiago Martinez, Maria Crespo, and Felipe Serna. Mentor Andres Carreño from Skillshare. Project developed for Holberton School.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

One of the things Skillshare users value the most is the connections with Teachers. Either through comments, Q&As, Projects submissions, or Live Sessions - we are always looking for ways to make the Skillshare experience more engaging.

One of the ways we are looking to improve the Skillshare Experience is by creating a closer and more accessible Teacher-Student relationship.

For this reason, "Skillshare Experience" born, a development that allows that closeness between teachers and students, immersing themselves in the interaction of a class on real-time.


GraphQL Our skillshare tutor proposed this & it was in the requirements in the project case technologies also it allows us to learn new stuff, and it's the standard used in AWS for database reference to pass it to DynamoDB as NoSQL.

JavaScript This technology allows developers to write applications that are client-side. This language is easy to learn and is fast for the end-user.

React.js With this powerful JavaScript library, it is possible to simplify many things that are managed as events in an application.

Material UI It is a React component library based that allows faster and easier stylized web development.

IaC (Infrastructure as code)

AWS: * AppSync: real-time application features * Amplify: web application structure creation * S3: cloud storage that allows scalability, data availability and safety * DynamoDB: database storage for backend * Cognito: user authentication features * IAM: AWS account services user settings * CDK: infrastructure as code CLI for backend development * Cloud Formation: IaC manager for connection and creation of AWS cloud needs

All these services are going to be used because AWS is the state of the art for web development and deployment, and the company Skillshare has a budget already destined for them.

Outstanding Features

The main objective of these features is to improve the engagement of the Skillshare community and to generate a greater participation and connection with the classes.

Real-time Feedback

Track the students understanding of the class without interruptions and anonymously.


Allow students to know the schedule of the class so they can organize their time and have access to resources.


Allow teachers to track students progress in order to improve their classes.

Getting Started

In the project directory, you can run: WARNING: THIS PROJECT IS PRIVATE

git clone https://github.com/skillshare-mentorship/holberton-live-experience.git

cd holberton-live-experience/react-chat-app-aws

With npm:

npm install

npm start

With yarn:

yarn install

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.

Follow us:

mafe_crespo MariaFernandaCrespo

choladito choladito

lsanjuan92 luiscode92

felipesernabar1 felipesernabarbosa
