a automated workflow to your next typescript project!
Note: You can check the current version here.
- TypeScript | TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- RollupJS | Module bundler for JavaScript.
- Prettier | A code formater integrated with ESLint and VS Code Automation.
- ESlint | Find and fix problems on TypeScript/Javascript code.
- Github Actions | Automated Workflow to tests, documentation, npm-publish and build.
- Coveralls | A dashboard to your coverage report source code.
- Github Pages | Automated documentation with TypeDoc and published with Github Actions.
- TypeDoc | A documentation generator for TypeScript projects.
- NPM Automated Publish | Automated publish packages on npm using github actions.
- VS Code Integration | Automated Formatter and Fix with VS-Code Prettier Plugin.
You can check-out the milestones and the board to see the process and the tasks that are in development.
You can check all details about the library in the documentation page.
Please check out the CONTRIBUTING.md.
Setype - LICENSE @ MIT