This native extension for OpenFL features a non-fullscreen barcode scanner, using ZBar as the provider for barcode scanning.
For Android, it uses the barcodescanner library by dm77.
For iOS, it uses ZBar's iPhone SDK
The scanner viewfinder is presented as a separate native view over the GL surface which draws the OpenFL stage. So there are some limitations:
- the viewfinder is absolutely positioned
- the viewfinder does not scale with the OpenFL stage
- not possible to put any OpenFL display objects above the viewfinder
Command line:
haxelib git zbar
lime rebuild zbar android
lime rebuild zbar ios
var zbar = ZBar.getInstance();
zbar.addEventListener(ScanEvent.SUCCESS, function(e)
trace (e.contents, e.formatName);
zbar.addScanner(0, 50, 400, 500); //x, y, width, height of the scanner view
// the scanner automatically starts scanning, so no need to call startScanning here.
// call zbar.stopScanning() if you want to stop the scanning
// the viewfinder will freeze, call zbar.removeScanner() to remove the viewfinder
// call zbar.startScanning() after stopScanning or after zbar has dispatched an event