Backend Test

Develop the workflow's REST API following the specification bellow and document it.

Delivery instructions

Clone this project and push a private repository in the GitHub, Gitlab or Bitbucket. When you want to our review, write any information that you think important in the and send an email to We'll follow your instructions to run your code and look the outcome.

Defining a workflow

Name Type Description
UUID UUID workflow unique identifier
status Enum(inserted, consumed) workflow status
data JSONB workflow input
steps Array name of workflow steps


Verb URL Description
POST /workflow insert a workflow on database and on queue and respond request with the inserted workflow
PATCH /workflow/{UUID} update status from specific workflow
GET /workflow list all workflows
GET /workflow/consume consume a workflow from queue and generate a CSV file with workflow.Data


  • Go, C, C++, Python, Java or any other that you know
  • PostgreSQL
  • A message queue that you choose, but describe why you choose.