A simple boilerplate for a Deno HTTP REST API webserver
├─ [name]
├─ controller
├─ service
├─ test
├─ routes
base: contains the base classes for the server, other classes inherit from these.
config: contains the environment configuration classes
database: contains the database connection
docs: contains Swagger configuration and automatically generated documentation
features: contains the many features of the server, each feature has its own folder with the following structure:
- [auth/unauth/api] - feature folder goes inside the respective type
- [feature_name]: contains these files:
- controller: contains the controller for the feature
- test: contains the tests for the feature
- service: contains the service for the feature (optional if multiple routes use the same logic)
- routes: contains the routes for the feature
- [feature_name]: contains these files:
globals: contains the global variables and functions
jobs: contains the background jobs that are executed in the server
libs: contains the libraries that are used in the server (those might become an external package)
middlewares: contains the middlewares that are used in the server
models: contains the entity models
routes: contains the routes to application endpoints
services: contains services that are feature agnostic and are used by multiple features
vendor: contains third party external apis implementations
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write server.ts [env]
Where env is the environment to run the server, it can be: local, development, staging, production