
Create table diagrams for an Oracle Database

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Oracle Table Diagrams

Create table diagrams for an Oracle Database.


A simple SQL*Plus script to create table diagrams for an Oracle Database.

  • The table information is extracted from Oracle's internal Data Dictionary (USER_TABLES, etc) using regular SQL queries
  • An intermediary script (graphviz or plantuml) is generated
  • The GraphViz or PlantUML tool is called to generate the final diagram in SVG format (see some examples below)


To generate the diagrams, you must have installed on your system one or both of the following


  • Set the SQLPATH environment variable to a directory where you keep your custom scripts if you haven't already
  • Copy tabgraph.sql and tabuml.sql to that directory
  • Edit the scripts to point to the location of your GraphViz/PlantUML installation
  • Make a C:\Temp\ directory or change the scripts to point to your custom temp directory where the intermiary script and final SVG diagram will be generated.


Replace tabgraph with tabuml to generate diagrams using PlantUML.

At the SQL*Plus prompt (SQL>) and logged in to the user that owns the tables, use:


Notice tabgraph uses regular expressions to filter the table names.

To generate diagrams for a single table named employees:

SQL> @tabgraph ^employees$

For all the tables that end in ns

SQL> @tabgraph ns$

For all the tables that begin with job

SQL> @tabgraph ^job

For all the tables in the user schema (warning: may be slow with hundreds of tables, filtering is preferable!)

SQL> @tabgraph .


A few examples diagrams generated from the Oracle Database sample schemas.

Diagrams generated with tabgraph + GraphViz






Diagrams generated with tabuml + PlantUML



This is a very simple script to produce diagrams for a quick reference.

For a more robust, professional looking solution, you may try some alternatives: