
A framework to aid in running experiments inside docker containers on AWS(ish) instances.

Primary LanguagePython

Remote Experiment Helper

A framework to aid in running experiments inside docker containers on AWS(ish) instances.

EC2 Instance Prerequisites

EC2 instances used with this module (or AMIs if using the module to create instances) are expected to have the following software installed.

  • nvidia-docker

The instance should also be set up with an AIM or similar role granting rights to

  • clone code from your project’s git repository
  • pull images from you project’s docker repository
  • stop / terminate EC2 instances (for self shutdown after experiment)
  • upload data to your S3 bucket


Add this package to your project’s requirements, then call remote.py from the command line, passing options depending on the actions to perform.

python -m remote
    --action        # Which of the available action(s) to perform: create|start|setup|experiment|stop|terminate
    --instance      # ID of an existing AWS instance
    --launchspec    # path to launchSpecfication.json
    --user          # User name used to connect to the instance via SSH (optional, defaults to no user name)
    --notify        # URL to notify on experiment completion
    --docker        # Docker repository to pull from
    --git           # Git repository to pull from
    --module        # Module to execute on remote server (for run experiment)
    --results-path  # Directory path (inside docker container) to add to the results file
    --bucket        # S3 bucket name to upload files to
    --log-path      # Path (inside docker container) to log to (default: /var/tmp/experiment.log)
    --branch        # Git branch to pull from (default: master)
    --name          # Name of the experiment (used as S3 key prefix) (default: completion time in format 'YYYY-MM-DD HHhMM')
    --tag           # Tag(s) to add to the instance, provided in the form tag=value

Launch Specification

Follow these instructions to create the file launchSpecification.json, which is required to create instances on AWS.

  1. Create a launch specification from an existing spot request using AWS CLI:
aws ec2 describe-spot-instance-requests --spot-instance-request-ids sir-12345
  1. Copy the contents of the attribute LaunchSpecification into file launchSpecification.json.
  2. Make sure to remove SecurityGroups. Instead, add attribute SecurityGroupIds containing value of GroupId.

Sample of launchSpecification.json:

    "Placement": {
        "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a"
    "ImageId": "ami-12345",
    "KeyName": "mykey@example",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
            "DeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
            "Ebs": {
                "DeleteOnTermination": true,
                "VolumeType": "gp2",
                "VolumeSize": 80
    "EbsOptimized": false,
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345",
    "Monitoring": {
        "Enabled": false
    "IamInstanceProfile": {
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345:instance-profile/some-iam"
    "InstanceType": "p2.xlarge"