
Generates models for TypeORM from existing database.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm version codecov

Generates models for TypeORM from existing databases. Suported db engines:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Oracle Database
  • SQLite


Global module

To install module globally simply type npm i -g typeorm-model-generator in your console.

Npx way

Thanks to npx you can use npm modules without polluting global installs. So nothing to do here :)

To use npx you need to use npm at version at least 5.2.0. Try updating your npm by npm i -g npm

Database drivers

All database drivers except oracle are installed by default. To use typeorm-model-generator with oracle databese you need to install driver with npm i oracledb and configure oracle install client on your machine.


Usage: typeorm-model-generator -h <host> -d <database> -p [port] -u <user> -x
[password] -e [engine]

  --help                 Show help                                     [boolean]
  --version              Show version number                           [boolean]
  -h, --host             IP adress/Hostname for database server
                                                          [default: ""]
  -d, --database         Database name(or path for sqlite)            [required]
  -u, --user             Username for database server
  -x, --pass             Password for database server              [default: ""]
  -p, --port             Port number for database server
  -e, --engine           Database engine
          [choices: "mssql", "postgres", "mysql", "mariadb", "oracle", "sqlite"]
                                                              [default: "mssql"]
  -o, --output           Where to place generated models
                            [default: "Z:\Repos\typeorm-model-generator\output"]
  -s, --schema           Schema name to create model from. Only for mssql and
  --ssl                                               [boolean] [default: false]
  --noConfig             Doesn't create tsconfig.json and ormconfig.json
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --cf, --case-file      Convert file names to specified case
                 [choices: "pascal", "param", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
  --ce, --case-entity    Convert class names to specified case
                          [choices: "pascal", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
  --cp, --case-property  Convert property names to specified case
                          [choices: "pascal", "camel", "none"] [default: "none"]
  --lazy                 Generate lazy relations      [boolean] [default: false]
  -a, --active-record    Generate models that use the ActiveRecord syntax
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --namingStrategy       Use custom naming strategy
  --relationIds          Generate RelationId fields   [boolean] [default: false]
  --generateConstructor  Generate constructor allowing partial initialization
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]


  • Creating model from local MSSQL database
    • Global module
      typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d tempdb -u sa -x !Passw0rd -e mssql -o .
    • Npx Way
      npx typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d tempdb -u sa -x !Passw0rd -e mssql -o .
  • Creating model from local Postgres database, public schema with ssl connection
    • Global module
      typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d postgres -u postgres -x !Passw0rd -e postgres -o . -s public --ssl
    • Npx Way
      npx typeorm-model-generator -h localhost -d postgres -u postgres -x !Passw0rd -e postgres -o . -s public --ssl
  • Creating model from SQLite database
    • Global module
      typeorm-model-generator -d "Z:\sqlite.db" -e sqlite -o .
    • Npx Way
      npx typeorm-model-generator -d "Z:\sqlite.db" -e sqlite -o .

Naming strategy

If you want to generate custom names for properties in generated entities you need to use custom naming strategy. You need to create your own version of NamingStrategy and pass it as command parameter.

typeorm-model-generator -d typeorm_mg --namingStrategy=./NamingStrategy -e sqlite -db /tmp/sqliteto.db