
Ruby on Rails based hosting control panel

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

# Controlr

A Ruby on Rails based hosting control panel.

Currently a work in progress as I have the time. It is replacing the current
control panel for seconddrawer.com.au.

Currently it supports the following:

- reseller users
- domain users
- email alias configuration
- email mailbox configuration
- email alias templates per account
- dns record templates per account
- tinydns zone generation

and currently requires the following:

- postfix
- dovecot
- dovecot IMAP quota (optional)

and will eventually provide the following:

- nice easy 'wizards' to set up common configurations
- bind zone generation
- nginx config generation
- apache config generation
- client account billing
- managesieve client
- chrooted SSH configuration

It requires some setup to enable the configuration for each service. Examples
are given in the 'docs' folder for common setups with tinydns and others.

Copyright 2011 Felix Hanley; see LICENSE.txt