In this API I have used Codeigniter standalone Active Records class for database queries and GUMP for validation.
You have set place API into your server root directory and configure the database in ./includes/config.php
GET: http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL/api/index
public function index(){
$response = [
'message' => 'Welcome to my api',
'error' => false,
'data' => []
$this->response($response, 200);
For query database i.e get all users
GET: http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL/api/get_users
public function get_users(){
$users = $this->db->get('users')->result();
$response = [
'message' => 'Welcome to my api',
'error' => false,
'data' => $users
$this->response($response, 200);
For $_POST params validation i.e user login
POST: http://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL/api/user_login
public function get_users(){
// You don't have to sanitize, but it's safest to do so.
$_POST = $this->form_validation->sanitize($_POST);
'email' => 'required|valid_email|max_len,120',
'password' => 'required|min_len,6'
$user_data = $this->form_validation->run($_POST,true);
if( $user_data === false) {
$response = [
'message' => 'Form Validation error',
'error' => true,
'data' => $this->form_validation->get_errors_array()
$this->response($response, 403);
//if data is valid then Good to Go