Fixedasset SYSTEM BY Springboot & VUE

Springboot X VUE

・Inclubes frontend and backend for Fixed Assets Management System
・Management purchase expenditure record ,maintenance and write-off records in fixed assets at facilities
・Cloud-based web systems offer ease of use with no installation required, significantly reducing costs.
・Use JWT tokens for user authentication and authorization, ensuring security and protection of fixed assets data.
・Manage fixed assets, including status tracking, information recording, equipment purchase records, write-offs, and maintenance, within facility settings.
・Java8 (Some dependencies only run on Java8)
・Node.js 16.20 (Frontend).

・Spring boot 2.4.13
・Mybatis 3.4.1
・Vue 2.6.10
・moment 2.29.1

・ChartJs 2.9.3
・jspdf 2.5.1
・xlsx ^0.18.2
・xlsx-style ^0.8.13

Example Image