
HTML tables for yesod

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


What is yesod-table?

This is a library that provides an abstraction for building HTML tables. A table is parameterized over a foundation type site and any type a. The table is a collection of columns, where each column has two parts:

  1. A title: WidgetT site IO ()
  2. A function for visualizing the data: a -> WidgetT site IO ()

Where can I find a working example?

In the examples folder, there is a single-file yesod application that demonstrates how yesod-table works. It first shows how the Monoid instance is used to build smaller pieces into a larger table, and then it combines those tables, making use of the Contravariant instance.

How can I use this?

Here is a simple example:

import Yesod
import qualified Yesod.Table as Table
import Yesod.Table (Table)
import Data.Text (Text)

data Person = Person
  { firstName :: Text
  , lastName  :: Text
  , age       :: Int

myTable :: Table App Person
myTable = mempty
  <> Table.text "First Name" firstName
  <> Table.text "Last Name"  lastName
  <> Table.int  "Age"        age

Then, you can render the table by providing it with rows of data. So, in a handler somewhere, you could write:

getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ Table.buildBootstrap myTable 
  [ Person "Drew" "Martin" 23
  , Person "Alexa" "Martin" 23

The home page would have a table with two rows.