1. Deploying MySQL Database in K8S Cluster

Follow the next steps to deploy Mysql in kubernetes using configmap, secrets, pv, pvc and db_deployment ymls.

Create Config Map

$ kubectl apply -f <config-manifest-yml>
$ kubectl apply -f 1_weshopify-db-configmap.yml

Create Secret

$ kubectl apply -f <secret-manifest-yml>
$ kubectl apply -f 2_weshopify-db-secret.yml

Create PV : where we are going to save yhe data

$ kubectl apply -f <pv-manifest-yml>
$ kubectl apply -f 3_weshopify-db-pv.yml

Create PVC : it will represent access

$ kubectl apply -f <pvc-manifest-yml>
$ kubectl apply -f 4_weshopify-db-pvc.yml

Create Database Deployment

$ kubectl apply -f <database-manifest-yml>
$ kubectl apply -f 5_weshopify-db-deployment.yml

Check pods which are created. Only database pod will be running

$ kubectl get pods

Check services

$ kubectl get svc

Check deployments

$ kubectl get deployment

Check secret

$ kubectl get secrets

Check pv

$ kubectl get pv

Check pvc

$ kubectl get pvc

2. Getting databse mysql as a pod

With above steps, the databse deployment was completed. Now we want to connect to the Mysql datasbase using the pod.

Getting all the pods names

$ kubectl get pods

Connect to database pod

$ kubectl exec -it <pod-name-above-command> bash

Connect to database

$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p

Note: It will ask for password, enter password as root.

Check databases available in mysql

$ show databases;

Use the database

$ use weshopify-app;

create a table

$ create table emp(emp_id int, emp_name varchar(50));

display all tables

$ show tables;

insert record

$ insert into emp values(101, 'Raju');
$ insert into emp values(102, 'Rani');

Retrieve records from table

$ select * from emp;

exit from mysql database

$ exit

exit from the pod

$ exit